The # 1 Rule When It Comes to Exercise
October 15, 2015

The # 1 Rule When It Comes to Exercise

We all know that exercise is good for us. It keeps our heart healthy, our skin looking youthful, and our jeans feeling loose. But let’s be honest: exercising regularly is hard. It takes discipline, self love and a willingness to embrace the pain. It also takes time. Which is the real hurdle for most women.

So, what are some tips on how to make exercise a regular part of your life? Well, I could talk about the importance of scheduling exercise into your day just like you would a meeting. Or hiring a trainer if you’re someone who isn’t self motivated. Or signing up for a Zumba, yoga or dance class because it makes you happy and it’s always easier to stick with a program that you actually enjoy.

But really, to me, the #1 rule when it comes to exercise is:  Something is always better than nothing.

It sounds so simple that it’s easy to dismiss, but like anyone who uses a tracking device such as FitBit knows, the little moments can really add up. So, let’s say you’ve had a crazy week and you decide to sleep in on Friday instead of going to the gym. First of all, go you for taking care of yourself. Sleep is important, But then, so is exercise. What’s a girl to do?

Well, start by parking your car in the farthest spot from the elevator and then take the stairs. Or better yet, walk to work. While you’re listening in on that endless conference call, pace your desk. Get off your butt and walk to a colleague’s office to talk instead of emailing. Take your kids on a bike ride after school. Chase your dog around the yard. Put on some great tunes and dance around your kitchen while you make dinner. Really, the options are endless. My point is that it’s easy to fall into an “all or nothing” attitude when it comes to exercise.  And that is most definitely not good for your health.

So why not treat yourself like you’d treat your best friend and cut yourself some slack. On days you can get to the gym/exercise class/hike, great. And on the days you can’t, just move more. It’s simple, but it works.