“Rain Room” at LACMA Is Magical
December 22, 2015

“Rain Room” at LACMA Is Magical

After sold out showings at MOMA in New York, the Rain Room has come to Los Angeles. Currently on view at LACMA, this full scale installation allows viewers to experience the impossible: controlling the uncontrollable. As one walks through Random International’s beautifully immersive environment of 528 gallons of gently falling rain, it magically senses your body and stops raining. But only where you’re standing.  That is, as long as you read the instructions on your ticket and wear light colored clothes. Otherwise, expect to get wet.IMG_0386

This timed and ticketed event is a showstopper. Only 15 viewers are allowed through at a time, and the real magic isn’t so much staying dry in the middle of a downpour, but watching others as they move through the falling water. The interplay of light, shadow and water is a truly magical experience. Unfortunately, since the show has proven to be immensely popular, you’re overly rushed through an experience that is meant to be contemplative. It’s a bit like listening to a great meditation download while speeding down the freeway. Regardless, it’s worth the visit.

The show is currently sold out except to LACMA members. So, if you were looking for a good excuse to support a fantastic museum, now you have one.