Tired? Try Jet Lag Juice
March 7, 2018

Tired? Try Jet Lag Juice

I recently traveled from LA to Paris. And let me tell you, it’s a hike. Since I am super sensitive and can get jet lag flying East, I decided to use the trip as a chance to test out a few jet lag remedies.  The first was using light to trick your body’s time clock. Basically, you wake up 30 minutes earlier each day for 3-4 days before your trip. No problem, right?  I had the whole thing planned out. I would skip dinner, take an Ambien on the plane and wake up with my body on Paris time. Unfortunately, my plane was 6 hours late leaving which totally messed with my plan. Oh, well.

The second thing that I tried, however, was a winner. Jet Lag Juice is made by the same company that makes my go-to immune system booster (Kick Ass Immune Activator). It is awesome. And not just for curing jet lag, but for anytime that you are feeling tired or your brain is full of fog.

Benefits of Jet Lag Juice

Made from a proprietary blend that includes Gingko leaf and Gotu Kola, Jet Lag Juice is like a shot of energy.  But without any of that horrid shaky feeling that one often gets from too much of a stimulant like coffee. After I landed and got to the hotel, I took two droppers of this stuff in a bit of water and boom — my brain fog was gone. I took some more a couple of hours later and then again, the next morning. I not only didn’t feel any jet lag, I felt fantastic.

Jet Lag Juice brings:

  • energy without the use of stimulants
  • mental clarity and focus by supporting optimal neural messaging

It’s also Non-GMO and gluten free.

Jet Lag Juice Not Just for Jet Lag

When I got home, I ordered myself a giant bottle of Jet Lag Juice because this stuff isn’t just for jet lag. As I’ve discussed numerous times on this blog, menopause is seriously messing with my sleep. There are many days when I wake up already behind the eight ball. And as we all know, life doesn’t stop just because we are not functioning at our best.  So, on those mornings (or afternoons) where I just can’t seem to get my brain to focus, I do a shot of jet lag juice. And voilá — I can concentrate once again. Genius!!

Other Jet Lag Remedies that Worked. Kind Of.

While Jet Lag Juice was definitely the clear winner, I also tool melatonin. It’s a tried but true for a reason. I bought it in 1mg dissolvable lozenges. Start off with one and if that’s not enough, you can take more during the night — up to 5.

The last jet lag remedy on my list (No-Jet-Lag) is one that I never actually tried because I forgot to take it on the way home. Go figure.

It’s a homeopathic pill that’s a best seller at Whole Foods (always a plus). But it does require a bit of commitment. You have to remember to take one at take off and then another every two hours.  Obviously, it was too much for my pee brain to remember.  I think I’ll just stick with the Jet Lag Juice. It’s fast, easy and effective. Definitely my kind of product.