Try These 5 Things to Banish the Blues
October 9, 20151Comment

Try These 5 Things to Banish the Blues

The blues…. we all have days where we just feel down. Sometimes, the reason is obvious. Other times, not so much. And though it might sound awesome to crawl back in bed and pull the covers over our heads, it’s usually not a viable option (or, for the most part, a particularly healthy one).

So, here are a few tips for banishing your blues:

Schedule Sad Time

Trying to ignore our sad feelings never works. In fact, personally, I find that the more I try to suppress them, the louder they become. So, I’ve taken a page out of the “Broadcast News” rulebook. Remember when the Holly Hunter character would unplug her phone every morning and cry? Well, the next time that you are feeling sad, give it a try. Maybe crying isn’t what you need, but just taking a few minutes to acknowledge, honor and “hear” your sadness is often all that’s necessary to push your blues out the door.

Get Outside

Sunshine is a natural mood elevator. As is exercise. So combining the two is a great way to keep the blues at bay. And it doesn’t have to be some heavy workout. In fact, something as simple as a quick walk around the neighborhood gets you out of your house or office, and into the great outdoors while also giving you a few minutes to yourself. All in all, a slam dunk.

Sniff a Lemon

Since your sniffer is directly connected to the area of the brain that processes emotion, certain smells have the ability to instantly jack up your mood. One of my “go to’s” is lemon zest. Smelling it makes me smile from the inside, out, giving me a boost of positive energy. Another great one is peppermint. Especially if you find that your blues have an anxious edge to them.

Scrub a Toilet

Although I love a clean home, I hate cleaning. However, when I’m feeling down, there is something incredibly satisfying about cleaning the toilet bowl. Part of it is the instant gratification — the bowl goes from dirty to sparkling in less than 5 minutes — but part of it is that it puts me back in control. Which is inherently calming when the blues can make me feel so scared and out of control.

Get Dirty

This only works for those of you with a yard, garden or window box, but getting your hands dirty is a great way to ground yourself. Literally. There is something intensely satisfying about pulling out weeds, planting seeds, and picking your own herbs and vegetables. I find that even taking care of my houseplants can do the trick. For me, it has to do with the fact that I’m keeping something alive. It reminds me of the good things in life. Which is a great way to turn your blues into mild indigos.

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